International students: Study a-levels in Cambridge

The Benefits of Studying A-Levels in Cambridge as an international student: Abbey College Cambridge.

Studying in Cambridge.   The UK is known for its reputation for the quality of its education. The qualifications offered by British schools, colleges and universities are recognised as hallmarks of excellence and distinction. Not forgetting Cambridge. When it comes to world fame, Cambridge is of course best known for its unparalleled University education. Why…

A levels in cambridge

Let’s talk about A-levels! Studying A-levels in Cambridge as an international student – Abbey College Cambridge.

A-levels Malaysian students who have just finished your SPM, IGCSE or UEC. If you are looking to study A-levels or foundation abroad, you are in for a treat. In this article we will discuss what’s like studying A-levels in Cambridge.  At Abbey College Cambridge, they offer a range of courses for international students. Which includes…

Agriculture requirements

General Requirements to Enter the Department of Agriculture for International Students.

An Experience Science-related degrees are still one of the most popular degrees among international students. However , when we talk about science, we sometimes forget that agriculture is also part of science. However, most of the time people don’t consider agriculture as science. Want to know more about the entry requirements for majoring in agriculture…