
Advertising vs Marketing Majors : What are the differences?

marketing vs advertising

Marketing and advertising are often interpreted as the same thing. However it is not true. There is a big difference in business practices involving the two. Well, these are the differences that you should know before choosing to study advertising or marketing majors abroad.

This time, SUN ASA Education will discuss the most relevant differences between advertising and marketing majors . make sure you keep your eyes glued on the screen! 

Difference between marketing and advertising

The Difference between Advertising and Marketing Major

Let’s get this straight: Marketing and advertising are not only related, advertising is actually a part of marketing. This is why many people often make the mistake of using one another as synonyms.

In short, marketing focuses on market research, product or service development, and branding. Meanwhile, in the advertising major , you will learn that advertising is more related to the promotion of products, services, or a brand.

Not only that, marketing is much broader than advertising. This is because marketing aims to identify target audiences and customer needs, and use market-related insights to determine how a product, service or brand can meet those needs.

Well, on the other hand, focused advertising is the use of several main mediums to promote a company’s products, services, or brands directly. There are many methods used in advertising such as retail advertising, online advertising, to mobile advertising. 

Different from marketing, advertising will involve paying other service companies to place messages in certain locations such as billboards, shops, television advertisements, websites, YouTube videos, to smartphone applications.

Marketing vs Advertising Course

You already know more about the difference between majoring in advertising and marketing, right? Their differences don’t stop there!

In any subject or subject, marketing and advertising have several differences. But of course this course is different and varies depending on the university you are going to!

Marketing courses

The marketing major includes subjects such as:

  •     Contemporary marketing practice
  •     Marketing analytics
  •     Consumers and brands
  •     Marketing research and planning
  •     Cross-cultural consumer behavior
  •     Marketing innovation for growth
  •     Global Marketing
Marketing: Advertising courses

Meanwhile, as an advertising major , you will almost certainly learn:

  •     Consumer insights
  •     Digital media strategies
  •     Legal and ethical aspects in Advertising
  •     Advertising research
  •     Creative copywriting for Advertising
  •     New and alternative media
  •     Return on Advertising investment
Marketing skills

Skills Required

While advertising and marketing majors are not the same thing, the skills required to succeed in these fields are very similar!


Empathy isn’t always about persuading people to buy the goods or services you’re selling or getting them to like your brand. Empathy in this area is more about understanding what they need, what’s within their budget, and how you can offer a product with the right balance of price, value and usability.


Communication is clearly needed in both advertising and marketing majors.  Whether you’re a marketer or an advertiser, you still need to communicate clearly and make sure people understand your message and ideas.

Researcher's Spirit

Living in the digital age means living with tons of information. To identify your target audience and promote your services and products, you need to do proper research, collect data, and deliver easy-to-understand results.

Want to Learn New Ideas

The world of marketing and advertising is constantly changing. This applies to SEO strategies, market trends, advertising, and so on. To always get ahead in the game, you have to stay up-to-date with the latest methods, media, and tools.


Last but not least, to come up with new messages and ways to promote your brand, service or product, you have to be creative. You have to stand out and come out with new ideas. 

After that, we will discuss the differences to the similarities between the advertising and marketing majors . With a myriad of new knowledge about both, it will be easier for you when it comes to choosing a major to study abroad later.

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For more information about studying abroad as well as various majors, you can find the information here. SUN ASA Education cooperates with various world’s top institutions abroad such as America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Europe, Germany, and also Asia. Of these countries, many universities have super experienced teaching staff! If you need further information, you can do a FREE consultation via WHATSAPP or come directly to the SUN ASA Education office either in Penang or Kuala Lumpur.

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