

Undergraduates Survival: Tips from a Fourth Year Student

Are you feeling nervous about starting your degree (on the first day!) at your chosen college or university? Graduate vs Undergraduate: two different things but you could actually face the same few things! Your first day of university is, without a doubt, a character-building. It’s a nice challenge, right? And you’re taking it! Let me tell you—that is a great start.

Popular Courses This Year

Popular Courses This Year
The worlds of industry and education have been rapidly growing and renewing for several decades. As a result, this trend may lead to the arrivals of new study programs and courses offering more practical and tangible prospects for your future career.

Top 10 Universities in the World

If you desire to study abroad, it is essential to know the best universities in the world in 2020. We believe that you have already heard some of those universities. SUN Education is about to summarize 10 best universities in the world by QS World Rankings 2020.

5 Best College Majors for the Future

Are you currently preparing yourself to continue your study, but haven’t decided what major you should pick? There’s no need to fear. You simply need to choose based on your passion and talents so that you can hone your skills and choose a career that is suitable for you after you graduate.

Easy Tips to Prepare for TOEFL

Easy Tips to Prepare TOEFL
When you plan to continue your higher education or study abroad, an internationally recognized English proficiency test certificate will be requested to be included. One type of test is the Test of English as a Foreign Language — or commonly abbreviated as TOEFL®.