
Daniel LEE Yong Cheng

I am currently having a great experience in UEA. I am enjoying my studies and staying at an on-campus accommodation, thanks to the efficient services rendered by ASA. Having a very knowledgeable education advisor who fully understood her work gave me peace of mind. She took her duty seriously, going the extra mile to explain each step of the application patiently and thoroughly, thus guaranteeing that I understood the otherwise complicated procedures.

Furthermore, she ensured that my application was covered from all angles so that I would have the highest chance of acceptance by the university and even ensuring that I would be able to arrive at my destination with the least hassle. My education advisor was always willing and happy to stay back after office hours to advise me on certain procedures as and when necessary. ASA education advisors always exhibited sincere friendliness. I always felt warmly welcomed whenever I went to the ASA office for consultation. In short, satisfaction with the services provided by ASA would be nothing less than 5 out of 5.